From the depth of the ancient world, a culture ascended to claim its dominion across the Mediterranean. From the shores of Byblos and Tyre to the great walls of Carthage, the Phoenicians ruled the seas and navigated through seafaring adventures.
At the sanctuary of Baalat Gebal, Goddess protector of the Phoenicians, Ahiram, aging lion of a king, searches to solidify his kingdom. His only choice is to extend his hand towards the Dynasty of Egypt and its celebrated Pharoah Ramses II, and as an allegiance, offers his daughter Cedrus in marriage to Amun-her-khepeshef the son of Ramses II.
The rituals of the bride begin to a saddened Cedrus, whose heart secretly belongs to the Head of the Royal Guards, but who has no choice but to honour her father’s wishes.
Amun-her-khepeshef arrives at the court of Ahiram to claim his wife and the marriage celebrations begin. While the young Pharaoh presents his six maidens as a gift from the land of the Nile, Ahiram presents the gift of the Phoenician Alphabet from the land of the cedars.
All the while, Cedrus waits for the shadows of the night to secretly run into the arms of her true love.
From ancient Finiqia, we travel through the sands of time, witnessed only by the once-majestic temples of Ahiram, now laying in ruins. Locals gather in a typical village chanting to the tunes of their customs and heritage. With the arrival of the village characters, a feud at the square erupts between two competitive neighbourhoods. Laila, daughter of the modest peasant Handoumi, is approached by the handsome Mezyan, a young cavalier from the different side of the village.
Fenianos, the village Mayor steps in to reconcile the matter by offering Laila in marriage to Fadlo, the son of the rich Marquis.
Nothing is eternal except for the legends of love.

ROHM to stage FINIQIA, The Legend Lives On by Caracalla Dance Theatre
The Caracalla Dance Theatre is celebrating its 54th anniversary since its foundation in Lebanon in 1968 with its spectacle “Finiqia: The Legend Lives On.” A beacon of dance theatre from the Arab world defined by tradition, excellence and innovation, the performance will take place at the ROHM House of Musical Arts for three consecutive nights.
Finiqia, pour que la légende se perpétue…
La belle Phénicie, cité de nos ancêtres, ressuscite sous la direction d’Ivan Caracalla et dans une chorégraphie d’Alissar Caracalla.
"فينيقيا" رائعة كركلا صورة عن وطن لطالما تمنّيناه جبيل التاريخ من الواقع والخيال ولدت من صدفة أرجوانية
لا تعبير ولا كلام عن لبنان إ ّلا في وجدان آل كركلا، الذين بلغوا بح ّسهم الإنساني- الروحاني، الخارق للجمال، أعلى مقامات الإثارة والإفتتان، من دون أن يشح هذا الضوء الذي لا يزال من عرض إلى آخر، ينير الخيال، بعناصر ملتئمة على بعضها، مثل أصابع اليد، تقوم من قمقم السحر، باهرة، أسطورية، أكان بإخراجها الخيالي أم بكوريغرافيتها المدهشة، وفي كل ثانية من الإبداع، كان ذلك البيت المحفور في خلايا ذاكرتي، ولم أعد أعرف لمن هو، يهّزني، وأنا في مقعدي، أسمع فقش الموج على الشاطئ، خالدًا، متج ّددًا، فيما التاريخ على المسرح، يستعيد زمن الأرجوان والأبجدية، والأساطير: "الأوطان التي نسيت أساطيرها، محكوم عليها أن تموت بردًا".