Press Reviews
“Caracalla Dance Theatre’s played to standing-room only crowds over the weekend at the Kennedy Centre... In fact, the stage has never sparkled and throbbed as the Opera House did at Saturday’s performance by this entrancing Lebanese troupe... Clearly, it’s good to be king of the musical theatre world in the Middle East.”
– The Washington Post - USA
“I doubt the London stage has seen such textile beauty, such opulent headdresses, such marvels clashes of brocade and braid. Caracalla Dance Theatre have made their own bridge between East and West. Set ebulliently to Ravel’s Bolero which sounds better than usual when played on Arabian instruments... better 2001 Caracallas than one Béjart.
- The Daily Telegraph - UK
“We in the West, love to think we are culturally far more sophisticated than the East, but for pure splendor ingrained with soul, Caracalla is an unprecedented joy.”
– Dance Europe
“Costumes are sumptuous, with fabrics and designs sourced from all over the Arab world by Caracalla; every costume is handmade and unique, and shimmers with vibrant colours; dance sections by the company are infectious.”
– Sunday Telegraph - UK
Caracalla Dance Theatre Connect the World with Becky Anderson
The Caracalla Dance Theatre has performed on leading stages and opera houses worldwide, sharing a message of art, culture and beauty from Lebanon to the world. CNN and Becky Anderson shed light on the Caracalla Dance Theatre, its achievements and its perseverance in the last 52 years in the name of arts and culture.
Ivan Caracalla, l’homme de l’ombre aujourd’hui “étoilé”
À 52 ans, le dynamique et discret metteur en scène et directeur de la troupe Caracalla vient de recevoir les insignes de chevalier de l’ordre de l’Étoile d’Italie, des mains de l’ambassadrice de l’Italie au Liban Nicoletta Bombardiere.
How has Caracalla influenced culture in the Middle East?
Lebanese-born Abdel-Halim Caracalla created the Caracalla Dance Theatre during an era when pursuing a career in the expressive arts was not the norm.
Starting with just ten dancers in 1968, Caracalla realised his dream, despite the social stigmas of the time and the Lebanese civil war.
Lebanon comes to London
Caracalla Dance Theatre has been a uniting force in Lebanon since 1970. Fiona Campbell talk to its choreographer, Alissar Caracalla, about sexism, civil war and being the Middle East’s own Simon Cowell.
Meet the Lebanese genius who brought magnificence to the world of dance
To this day, the Middle Eastern society praises children who become doctors and engineers, and scratch their heads when students say they want to become professional musicians, actors, or even get into the field of dance. One can only imagine how bizarre the idea of creating a dance school was back in the 60s.
But Maestro Abdel-Halim Caracalla was adamant to follow his dreams. He challenged the status quo and became the first person to bring the tradition of folk dance to the Lebanese stage as a professional work of fine art.
Ivan Caracalla, un premio per la promozione della cultura tra Libano e Italia
Una bella notizia dal Libano. L’Ambasciatrice italiana a Beirut Nicoletta Bombardiere ha conferito a Ivan Caracalla l’Ordine della Stella d’Italia in riconoscimento dei suoi eccezionali risultati artistici nella promozione della danza e del balletto in Libano e nel mondo attraverso Caracalla Dance Theatre, e dei suoi legami artistici con l’Italia.